My name is Wylee Mitchell. I am the founder and CEO of Y BRAND USA. The reason I started this company is.. well for one my mom and I think we are pretty witty and we thought it would be fun and easy to come up with cute sayings for t-shirts.(we were wrong!! its pretty hard to come up with something that everyone likes) The 2nd reason is much more serious and I feel it is needed in every city, town and state. I want to help spread suicide awareness. I lost one of my best friends to suicide he was only 14 years old. It was the most devastating time of my life and it affected me and my community hard. I had the idea to start a movement, I call it Y STOP NOW. I designed and created a t-shirt that has a semi-colon on the front and the saying Y STOP NOW; THE STORY IS JUST GETTING STARTED on the back. My goal was to sell 100 t-shirts. I am so happy to announce that I have sold over 700 t-shirts since August. I made a pledge that from every t-shirt sold $5.00 would be donated to the SAVE foundation (suicide awareness voices of education) #save. I will be going to Minneapolis, Minnesota the end of October to give the donation directly to SAVE. I will also be meeting with the head psychiatrist of the organization. I would like to thank each and every person that supported me with this movement. I have sent a Y Stop Now t-shirt to 31 states.
If you would like to join my movement and purchase a Y STOP NOW t-shirt please click on the link below. If you have purchased a Y STOP NOW t-shirt or sweatshirt I would love for you to add your photo in the comments.
I have had many struggles in my own life and I decided I wanted to focus on the light in living instead of the darkness of suicide. I started speaking to groups about my story and the struggles that I have overcome and the hardships and issues that I am still overcoming. I have been a guest speaker at several schools. If you would like to have me speak at your school please get in touch with me at ybrandusa@gmail.com I feel like I can relate to so many different teens with all the different experiences I've had. In my mind people are more likely to listen to someone who is their age and who has overcome something they might be going through. It is hard for people to share their feelings with their peers or even to talk to their loved ones about these darknesses. If you are having thoughts of suicide please call the SAVE crisis line 1-800-273-8255. Save has so many amazing people that can help. Please visit their website at save.org I will attach the last school talk I gave. It is a 26 minute talk so grab some popcorn and enjoy.
**Quote of the week- "When you feel like giving up, just remember why you held on for so long"- Unknown
You are doing amazing things keep up the good work!!