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On the Tour Bus; It's Chancey Williams

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As I was sitting on the tour bus that belonged to Chancey Williams, while talking to Chancey Williams, It was a little hard not to fan girl. I couldn't believe the country music star welcomed me on his bus.

I have the mentality of 'you never know if you don't try', which inspired me to send out an email to see if the artist would be interested in coming on my TV show. I was shocked and so excited when I got the approval.

Maccoy and I stacked my car's back seat full of camera equipment. Our video professor, Greg Mikolai, gave us a short instruction on how to set up a multicam audio kit and we were on our way. When we arrived at the Warehouse, Williams was still doing audio checks so we got to watch him do a little rehearsal. Maccoy and I looked around for the best place to set up our cameras and couldn't find the perfect setting until Chacney's tour manager invited us to film on his tour bus. Even though the lighting was not ideal, there is not a more perfect spot to talk to a performer than on his very own bus.

Chancey was so kind as Maccoy and I panicked and set up the cameras and equipment we never worked with before. In fact, he even gave us two batteries to swap out so our device worked. It was super easy to talk to Willams and he treated Maccoy and I like two well-respected colleagues instead of the college amateurs we felt like.

The actual interview portion was incredible. I loved hearing about how he has taken the hard track to get to the top. I love his concept of being a cowboy from Wyoming above everything else. He really spoke passionately about staying true to who he is. This was a great reminder since it can be so easy to get swept away and lose the person that you are.

Thank you Butch Miller with Warehouse 2565 for your help in making this possible. And thank you Chancey Williams for taking the time to talk to me :)

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